Making A Site

If you are not yet a registered member on WeatherTogether, click here to register for an account. You will be directed to a page shown below. Simply check “Yes, I’d like to create a new site” under “Blog Details” and fill out your blog URL, site title, and site privacy settings. Be sure to choose your blog URL carefully, as you will not be able to change it once you have chosen it!

If you want to create a site and are already registered, all you need to do is click your profile in the top right corner of the browser, click on “Sites,” and then click “Create a Site.” You will then be directed to this form where you can fill out your site domain, site title, and privacy settings.

After you have made your site, log in on the home page with your username/email if you are not already logged in.

Editing Your Site:

To begin editing your site, find “My Sites” on the top left corner and go to the site you just made. From there, click on “Dashboard” to go to the “backend,” where you will further edit and customize your site.

Choosing a Theme:

The first thing you will want to do is choose a “theme” for your site. To do this, go to “Appearance“, then click on “Themes.”

Customizing Your Site:

Once you have activated your theme, go to “Customize” under “Appearance” and you will be able to customize your site. Let’s use the Nisarg theme as an example template.

From here, we can choose a variety of different things to customize our site. Add widgets to your sidebars, change the colors on your site, add menus to navigate through pages you make, upload a beautiful header image, and so much more from here. We’ll get a Youtube demo up soon showing how to do this.


Your website comes bundled with several pre-installed plugins to enhance functionality. You can access these plugins by clicking “Plugins” in the dashboard. Plugins are what make WordPress special… play around with them and have some fun!

Need assistance with creating a site on WeatherTogether? Click here to contact WeatherTogether support!