Charlie replied to the topic Atmospheric River 2-8/2-9-2017 in the forum Weather Talk 7 years, 11 months ago
Just had a pretty vicious squall line come through Central Seattle! A look at the radar shows four squall lines oriented SSW to NNE from Seattle to Portland. We’ll still have heavy showers at times throughout the day, but they will be decreasing as the day goes on and the steady rain we had this morning is over.
<img src="https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/16587118_244095302713622_5155843954890980553_o.jpg?oh=a2138ed27cffcbffc6a20dc4dbe2eab8&oe=58FF0A1E" alt="Squall line coming through SeattleCredit: NOAA Weather and Climate Toolkit NEXRAD II Data” />