Charlie started the topic Featured Photos on Home Page in the forum Site Updates 7 years, 11 months ago
We now have featured photos on the home page! These can be accessed by scrolling all the way to the bottom of the home page or by clicking the “Featured Photos” link in the menu. Each photo has a caption describing it and giving appropriate credit to the photographer, and clicking on the photo itself will direct you to a higher-resolution, uncropped version of the photo.
The main goal with these featured photos is to encourage both viewers and contributors to share interesting weather they come across with the rest of the WeatherTogether community. In doing this, they also have an opportunity to advertise their own photo pages/blogs (if they have any) while providing the site with visually engaging material. Everybody wins!
The one caveat with all of this is that we need to be careful with the size and quantity of the photos on the home page because we don’t want to bog down the home page. Right now we have 5 “featured photos.” I’m cautious about putting over any more than 10, but we can see how the site handles it.
In the meantime, start taking some shots and sending in your photos! You can do that to us on our Facebook or Twitter pages, or you can just post them right in the Weather Talk forum!