Charlie Phillips

  • Our last (sniff sniff) day of storm chasing was significantly more relaxed than Thursday’s, but we still managed to see some well-defined mammatus and asperatus clouds, a giant wall cloud, some very strong s […]

    • I wonder if rural Oregon/Washingtonians would be as hostile toward solar, as some parts of Texas obviously are toward wind? I would hope that poor rural counties here, would be a bit more open-minded toward the idea of family-wage jobs in renewable energy…

    • Good question Karl… I don’t know anything about it, but it would be an interesting study. I know some folks that live in Ellensburg… I’ll ask them if they know what the sentiment there is about wind farms. How do people in The Dalles feel about the wind farms along the Columbia River Gorge?

      With regards to solar, I know there was some opposition to the “Teanaway Solar Reserve,” which fell through. I think there’s some “NIMBY” going on – most people don’t like a giant solar farm or wind farm close to where they live, especially if it’s in beautiful country.

  • Even though it was nowhere near as active as forecast, day 6 was by far our most active day yet. We saw it all: a tornado, tons of wall clouds, an amazing shelf cloud, multiple funnel clouds, and we were pummeled […]

  • With tornado activity well to our north yesterday, we decided to take a day off from chasing and explore Oklahoma! After sleeping in past noon, we decided to head east from Clinton, OK towards Oklahoma City and […]

  • Our second day of storm chasing was definitely a lot more active than our first! We saw flooding rains, strong winds, lots of (presumably wind, possibly tornado) damage, a weak funnel cloud, several weakly […]

  • After much anticipation, Joey and I finally saw some good storms on our third day of our storm chasing vacation! No tornadoes were in the cards for today, but we saw brief bursts of heavy rain, small hail, gusty […]

  • Day two on Joey and Charlie’s storm chasing adventure was mainly a day of driving. After we finally arrived at our hotel at 3 AM Sunday morning, we slept in as late as possible and headed out just before our […]


    Hi everybody! This week, I’ll be doing something I (surprisingly) haven’t done before: tornado chasing! I’ll be chasing with Joey Sipos, a computer programmer/game designer (check out his latest VR game, […]

  • In the wake of the incredible thunderstorms many locations around the area saw Thursday, I thought I’d write a review on the amazing and very uncommon weather we saw last week. In the interest of time, I will […]

  • So many things to blog about… so little time.

    Today was by FAR the warmest day of the year for the Pacific Northwest. The Portland Airport hit 81 degrees, making this year the first year since records began […]

  • Wow, that trend line is really interesting. Some of the atmospheric science professors/post docs at the UW who’ve studied atmospheric rivers (Cliff Mass, Mike Warner, just to name a few) have found that they will increase in severity due to global warming, but the type of precipitation we’ve seen this year has been more of a persistently dreary…[Read more]

  • Before I discuss this landmark bill signed by President Trump, I have the pleasure of announcing some very good news regarding WeatherTogether! We finally have automatically updating model charts online! You can […]

  • Of course, my pleasure!

  • Hi Sharon. Research done by Mike Warner, Eric Salathe, and Cliff Mass at the UW suggests that the flooding “atmospheric river” events we see in the winter will become more intense and carry more moisture. Dr. Mass and others have also found that global warming will result in an increase in low, marine clouds during the late spring/early summer.…[Read more]

  • Rumors of ol’ El returning for summer 2017 have been percolating through meteorological echo chambers for the past few months, but in the past few days, mainstream media outlets like the New York Times have […]

  • Hi Sharon! Thanks for joining, and I’m glad you are enjoying the site! In my experience, the heaviest rainstorms occur from Halloween through Valentine’s Day, with frequent (but decreasing) showers after Valentines day. The ramp up into stormy season is a lot quicker than the ramp down into our quiet season. The hottest months are July and…[Read more]

  • After such a cold, snowy winter and the strongest April windstorm in the Portland metro area since April 14, 1957, I’m sure many of you will be relieved to hear that tomorrow is shaping up to be the warmest day of […]

    • Charlie, I am a newbie to this site, but am enjoying it. I have a question for you or anyone else involved with Charlie’s Weather. My wife and I are thinking about relocating to Eugene. We have heard that in a normal year (so what is normal these days of global weirding) Eugene has a wet season from November to May and a dry season from May to October. Has that been your experience? Sharon2047

      • Hi Sharon! Thanks for joining, and I’m glad you are enjoying the site! In my experience, the heaviest rainstorms occur from Halloween through Valentine’s Day, with frequent (but decreasing) showers after Valentines day. The ramp up into stormy season is a lot quicker than the ramp down into our quiet season. The hottest months are July and August… it can reach 100 on occasion, and it is very dry. I’ve attached some climate averages for Eugene below.

        Eugene Monthly Climate Normals

        • Thanks, Charlie! A couple of follow-up questions: are there data yet on the impact of global warming on this pattern of 4 months dry (quiet), 5 months wet, and 3 months transitional? Also, do El Nino and La Nina events affect this pattern? Sharon

    • Hi Sharon. Research done by Mike Warner, Eric Salathe, and Cliff Mass at the UW suggests that the flooding “atmospheric river” events we see in the winter will become more intense and carry more moisture. Dr. Mass and others have also found that global warming will result in an increase in low, marine clouds during the late spring/early summer. Mountain snowpack in the winter will decrease dramatically at lower elevations, particularly after 2050.

      El Nino events tend to make us warmer and slightly drier, while La Nina events tend to make us cooler and slightly wetter. However, some years are exceptions – the winter of 2015-2016 was the wettest winter on record for the Pacific Northwest, and it was also one of, if not THE, strongest El Ninos on record. Our biggest storms have tended to come during neutral years, but given our short period of record, it’s still not certain whether this is coincidence or whether there is a strong link. There does appear to be some correlation though.

      El Nino and La Nina events primarily affect our weather from January through March. They have a relatively small effect on our weather throughout the late spring, summer, and autumn.

      • Thanks, Charlie! Now I know more about what to learn about on your site – like atmospheric rivers and marine clouds. I appreciate your time and efforts. Sharon

    • Of course, my pleasure!

  • I have a somewhat bad habit of overusing alliteration in my titles and posts, and this post marks the second consecutive post I’ve made a tongue-twisting title revolving around spring. But when you realize how […]

  • Hi everybody, I’m back after a brief break from blogging! I’ve been working like mad on finding out how to automatically upload some of the model charts I’ve created to the internet, and I broke new ground today […]

  • Hi everybody! I apologize for the delay in posts over the past several days – I have been working very hard on my Grads scripts and have been trying to figure out how to get them online! For those who don’t know, […]

  • Things have been slow to bloom on the west side too. I usually start feeling my seasonal allergies in the first week of March, but I’ve only started feeling them over the past couple days.

    Great photos Karl!

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