Brie Hawkins

  • Hi friends,
    It’s another hot one out there today, although the smoke aloft might limit our heating just a tad, allowing us to stay a a few degrees below the model-predicted highs for the day. So instead of really […]

  • Hi Friends!

    Well, I think we’ve all had a chance to draw a weather number we can settle on this week, perhaps! Western Washington has managed a pretty wide variety of weather so far, and it’s barely even […]

    • Love that picture Brie! Such a nice variation of landscape and colors! And clouds too!! We are headed into a heat wave as we start July this weekend, and I am not looking forward to it. Your highs of upper 60s to around 70 sound wonderful! Keep up the great reporting! Cheers, Kevin

  • Thank you Kevin! I have family in Maryland. πŸ™‚ I haven’t been over that way in a very long time though, almost 20 years since my last big trip, and about 14 since a short drive through the area, on my way down to DC and Virginia. I think our springs have flip-flopped, you all got the wet weather and we’ve been very dry. We set records for warmest…[Read more]

  • Happy Tuesday, friends!

    We’re starting into a (somewhat brief) pattern of warmer and brighter weather, for the next couple of days. A few areas, mainly the coast and north, are seeing some light rainfall this […]

    • Thanks for your great report Brie! I enjoy that Pac NW weather so much, esp around this time of the year. We haven’t had it too bad yet here in central Maryland as it has been wet and relatively cool of late so far in June. We had a warm and wet May. If we can keep the clouds and rain around, it won’t get too hot, but I am sure it will eventually as we move more into the pure summer months.

      I have an endless fascination and love of the mountains. Your picture in this post is awesome . It reminds me of my trip in the mid 70s when I hiked around Sunrise on the NE side of Mt Rainier and we never got a good view of the whole mountain, just partial shots that just add to the imagination and make your mind wonder how much further up is it to the peak? Is this Mt Rainier in the picture? I usually see all clear shots of Mt Rainier on photo or all socked in when live. I did see it all clear on a business trip to Seattle in May 1993. That was truly awesome! Thanks so much for your great posts you resumed recently – keep up the great work!
      Kevin here in Maryland

      • Thank you Kevin! I have family in Maryland. πŸ™‚ I haven’t been over that way in a very long time though, almost 20 years since my last big trip, and about 14 since a short drive through the area, on my way down to DC and Virginia. I think our springs have flip-flopped, you all got the wet weather and we’ve been very dry. We set records for warmest May and tied the record for driest May at SeaTac.

        And thank you on the photo! It is in fact not Rainier, but Whitehorse Mountain near Darrington, a town about 80 or so miles north east of Seattle, nestled in the mountain foothills. Glacier Peak, another one of our 5 WA stratovolcanoes is right nearby the area, tucked back further east in the mountains. It’s a beautiful area. I had to snap that particular image because I liked the cloud combination, with the slight lenticular development as well.

        I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying the blogs, thanks for reading! I’ve been crazy busy the last 5 months or so, my stepdaughter moved in with us in December, and then I accepted a weather internship position at KOMO News in Seattle and just wrapped that up at the end of May. I also got hired onto KOMO’s radio promotions team and will be staying involved with the forecast team as needed, but now I have a little more free time as the radio promotions work is a bit more sporadic. πŸ™‚

    • Thank you Brie! Great to hear more about you and your Maryland connection. And you have been busy in weather on some of your local media outlets there. The only Seattle on-air met I knew of for years is the recently retired Jeff Renner, who has written a few books on Mountain weather and climatology that particularly piques my interest. I have made some contact with him, mostly through our facebook connection. More later, I got to get some sleep. I don’t get enough, I am crazy busy even though I am retired. Take care, will be back in touch soon, esp. if you post more great Pac NW weather/mountain shots.

  • We seem to be stuck in a relatively consistent pattern of clouds, sun, clouds, sun here in Western Washington. It’s been quite pleasant for the most part, unless you’re a fan of rain. For those of you rain fan […]

  • Over the past decade, summer temperatures have begun to increase and wildfires have drastically consumed more and more acreage across the Pacific Northwest. We have seen unprecedented burns and in 2017, […]

  • Hi Sylvia!
    Glad you found the blog! I do my updates mainly on Facebook but when storm season rolls around again I’ll be doing more here. πŸ™‚


  • I completely agree, and if you have anything to add or thoughts/changes, let me know!

  • I recently added an Emergency and Severe Weather preparedness section on my blog. It’s still a work in progress to some extent but is also still up and ready to be used. If you haven’t considered an emergency plan and prepared and emergency kit, I highly recommend that you do so. You just never know what might happen and it’s better to be prepared…[Read more]

  • Brie Hawkins wrote a new post on the site Little Bear Creek Weather 8 years ago

    Ever Wondered Why Rainier and Baker Occasionally Wear Cloud Hats?

    Lenticular Clouds above the Olympic Mountains, with Mount Constance in the center, it’s peak hidden behind the clouds.

    Living in the […]

  • You are most welcome, Cynthia! Thanks for reading the blog! I appreciate it a lot. πŸ™‚

  • Paine Field hit 48 so that verifies the advisory there. Seatac and Boeing came close, looks like.

  • Surprisingly, I haven’t heard of any outages near us, regardless of the soil situation. It’s been ripping pretty decently here, but nothing too bad. Probably not advisory criteria, but some areas have definitely gotten close. West winds beginning to ramp up in the strait now.

  • Still reasonably calm here in N. Woodinville, but picking up. Gusts maybe in the 10-20 range for now. Not hearing my wind chimes yet, it takes a decent gust for those to go, they’re pretty big. Camano clocked a 50mph gust earlier this hour.

  • We had a quick burst of really heavy hail here around 1pm I believe, or so. The hail quickly changed back to heavy rain, and then it was over as quick as it began.

  • Brie replied to the topic Atmospheric River 2-8/2-9-2017 in the forum Weather Talk 8 years ago

    That’s not too bad. A windstorm after the snowstorm would not be good. Breezy I can deal with, high winds, not so much. My trees took a beating from the heavy snow.

  • Brie replied to the topic Visualizing Weather Data in the forum Projects 8 years ago

    Ok, that makes sense! I may have to wait until I empty some of the hard drive on my computer. I have 25,000 RAW photo files on here, which are massive. I need to get an external hard drive, but need to wait until I can fit it into the budget. But once I have more space on my computer, I’ll totally do it. This thing is just running snail slow right…[Read more]

  • Brie Hawkins wrote a new post on the site Little Bear Creek Weather 8 years ago

    Very quick update, but I just wanted to make note of the fact that I added an Emergency and Severe Weather Preparedness page to the blog. The link can be found in the upper right hand corner of the site, or you […]

  • Brie Hawkins wrote a new post on the site Little Bear Creek Weather 8 years ago

    I do apologize that it has taken me so long to get this blog out. It’s been a bit of a project for me because I’ve been looking at this from a lot of different angles, various opinions, and also looking back […]

    • You are most welcome, Cynthia! Thanks for reading the blog! I appreciate it a lot. πŸ™‚

    • Hi Sylvia!
      Glad you found the blog! I do my updates mainly on Facebook but when storm season rolls around again I’ll be doing more here. πŸ™‚


  • Brie replied to the topic Atmospheric River 2-8/2-9-2017 in the forum Weather Talk 8 years ago

    Wow, yeah, that’s a lot of rainfall. SEA NWS has flood advisories up for south king county, pierce and thurston I believe. Gonna be a challenge with all that snowfall down there. Skokomish River also has a flood advisory up, and there is concern on a few other rivers as well. I think central king county northward might see some minor urban…[Read more]

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