
  • Brie replied to the topic Weather Together Introductions 2016 in the forum Introductions 8 years ago

    Since we’re talking about getting forums going, I figured I’d do an intro post here too.

    My name is Brie Hawkins, and I’ve loved weather for as long as I can remember. The Hannukah Eve storm in 2006 was what really put it into motion however, and since then I’ve been self teaching as much as I can about atmospheric sciences. Eventually I hope to go back to school and get my degree, but for now I’m a stay at home mom of a 3 year old boy who is starting to love weather himself. It’s a lot of fun! I’m also an avid photographer, and when I can combine weather and photography, I’m in heaven. I hike a lot, explore, wild forage for fruits, mushrooms and more, snowshoe, swim, you name it, I probably do it. I’m a very adventuresome person and love exploring our beautiful Pacific Northwest or wherever else my travels take me!