Kevin Shaw

  • Since I was not able to post this Monday report till late this Wednesday morning, I have edited it down from its original form to make it relevant from this point on. 

    Monday continued our short dry spell, […]

  • What body of water was this picture taken from? Your place up in northern Michigan? One of the great lakes or another lake perhaps? Love the thunderstorm cloud in the distance. Did you get any rain out of it, or was it moving away from you at the time? Thanks for posting – we are very green and lush here, with 4.77″ of rain here this week. And the…[Read more]

  • Great photo Pat. Love those raindrops on the needles of the tree. Drier weather on the way – partly cloudy here this Sunday afternoon. First time we have seen the sun in a week! Cheers!

  • Saturday continued our cloudy, wet (1.02″) pattern that featured the return of the milder, muggier air with frequent fog spells and rising temps and dew pts though the 60s. The system is winding down as most of […]

  • Friday continued our cloudy, showery (0.53″) pattern that had an added twist – the “back-door” cold front slid south today and we got some cool NE breezes that sent temps down into the 50s. The system is winding […]

  • Sorry my featured images this week are so drab – that is the way it has been! Pat and Cathie have such vibrantly colorful photos, aided at least in part with some sun, which I have not seen since last Sunday. It might not be till this coming Sunday before I see the sun once again, though it won’t be totally sunny all day!! Would like to be able to…[Read more]

  • Thursday continued our cloudy, muggy, showery (1.01″ – but no thunder heard once again) pattern that looks to finish out the week and finally end by Sunday. Temperatures held in the mid 60s all day for a very […]

  • Wednesday continued our cloudy (see today’s featured image), muggy, occasionally showery (0.11″ – but no thunder) pattern that looks to hold into the weekend. Temperatures held in the mid 60s for a late PM minimum […]

  • Tuesday started out in the very first hours of the day with numerous rumbles of thunder and occasional light rain till about 0400. Partly cloudy by sunrise, calm and quite warm and humid most of the day, with high […]

  • Monday was quite a day. Starting out calm and peaceful with clouds and fog, and very stable temperatures in the upper 50s to around 60°, the afternoon really got going as temps finally started to warm up to […]

  • I keep running behind and have another 2 day (weekend) update to post today. We continue to change our weather depending on the position of this wandering stationary front that doesn’t look to move on out anytime […]

  • Friday was partly to mostly sunny, similar in temps to Thursday, and dry. The Friday maximum temperature reached 80.3° @ 1617, while the Friday minimum temperature was 58.3° @ 0646. The dew point temperatures l […]

  • Kevin Shaw posted a new activity comment 6 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks for your suggestion Mark. I am pretty sure I tried to do that but will revisit it again when I get the time. Been paddling upstream with only one paddle so it seems the past few weeks. Various health issues plus my family visiting last week put me behind, lovingly so of course. Thanks to Nathan for your support also.

  • Thanks for posting your April report Jeff. I like the cover photo – looks like virga but I guess the shafts did reach the ground. Sugarloaf Mt in Maine just closed out their ski season this past Sunday, sounded like a “rock ski adventure” with rather patchy cover over their trails. I am sure it isn’t that way at Timberline. Are you all going to be…[Read more]

  • Thanks Cathie. Indeed, it is a side view of my apartment building, and I was trying to show the leaf bud action a few days ago. Leaves are fully bud out now (most varieties that is) and the grass is a lush green that is growing fast! Going out to my rain gauge I have to get through a rapidly growing crop of dandelions, and thick tall grass in a…[Read more]

  • Thursday was clear/sunny early, but by mid-afternoon clouds developed ahead of a line of showers/storms heading SE from the midwest that fell in the early evening (0.02″) in a light thundershower about 1900. The […]

  • I have been catching up on a lot of projects since Robin and Gideon left Sunday afternoon and have not posted any weather updates since then. I will catch up in the next few days. I have been cleaning up and also […]

    • That’s a very pretty picture, Kevin. Is that in your appt complex?

    • Thanks Cathie. Indeed, it is a side view of my apartment building, and I was trying to show the leaf bud action a few days ago. Leaves are fully bud out now (most varieties that is) and the grass is a lush green that is growing fast! Going out to my rain gauge I have to get through a rapidly growing crop of dandelions, and thick tall grass in a common area that has not been cut for the first time this spring as yet. Thanks for your comment, they are very few and far between unfortunately as our blog here has been rather inactive, with no new members and some like Josh and John Markle up in Alaska not posting at all in recent weeks. I do see Josh’s cocorahs reports he makes every day, however. Have a nice day! Kevin

    • It is beautiful! I haven’t seen Josh post lately as well. Hope he’s OK. have you heard from Leon yet? I wonder how he’s doing.

  • In my latest post just published a few mins ago, I show two images, one is my featured image of Robin and Gideon, and the other was of yours truly and Gideon in a fun pose and imported in as media. In the final version on the main website, the image is always turned to the side and I can’t get it to flip to vertical. In my work copy it is correct.…[Read more]

    • There should be a way to fix that in the blog editor. I forgot where, but I found it once. @markingalls Do you know where it’s at?

      • I have not seen this particular issue, but I do know that when you go into your media and click on an image, it will give you an option to edit and in there is an option to rotate an image. I don’t know if this will resolve your issue, though.

        • That’s what I was thinking too. Thanks for chiming in on this, @markingalls! @kevinshaw, did that fix it?

        • Thanks for your suggestion Mark. I am pretty sure I tried to do that but will revisit it again when I get the time. Been paddling upstream with only one paddle so it seems the past few weeks. Various health issues plus my family visiting last week put me behind, lovingly so of course. Thanks to Nathan for your support also.

  • I was busy with my daughter Robin and my grandson wrapping up their visit here over most of the weekend, as they left here around 1600 on Sunday to fly back to Las Vegas, which they got safely back to by very […]

  • Friday was still hot, cracking the 90° mark for the second day in a row under partly sunny, mostly dry skies except for a light shower (0.01″) in the early evening . The Friday maximum temperature reached 89.6° @ […]

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